Monday, 12 April 2010

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Michelle's style make-over diary

We had a great time styling the lovely Michelle Rushton, Senior Features Editor at the Liverpool Echo. Michelle first completed the 'What's My Style' profile on style file's web-site to find her style preference which is 'Girly' - go to and try it yourself absolutely FREE and get loads of hints and tips for your style type, shape and lifestyle. Watch out for the film on You Tube coming soon with loads of style tips for the pear shaped woman. Take a look at more pictures on the website with the low-down on how and where to get the look. We'll be posting links to the article when it comes out in early May.
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Michelle's make-over. Style tips for the pear shaped.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Sunday, 10 January 2010

The plus size debate goes on...

We congratulate V magazine (US) for producing an issue featuring plus size models. In a world where every other business sector must abide by law to representing diversity why is the fashion industy exempt we wonder? Surely we all want the media to represent us as we are - from fat to thin, black to white, young to old and everything in between. We all identify with someone like us. Currently the fashion industry excludes 99.9% of us who are not 'beautiful' size zero teenagers. Are they real??!! - surely the buying population is largely made up of the rest of us who are currently excluded from the inner circle.

Join our campaign for real style for real women - - Real Style Awards - get your entries in whatever your size or age and win some fab prizes as well as help us to influence future fashion!


Sunday, 3 January 2010

Campaign for real clothes for real women!

We're starting the new year with renewed enthusiasm for our mission to celebrate diversity in women's fashion. We applaud the recent trend to for the industry to use models who are more representative of the norm and want to see much more of this in 2010.